How do I receive notifications?

Salve can send you lots of helpful notifications, such as:

  • When your clinic sends you a new message
  • When a medication is due to be taken
  • When you have an appointment coming up
  • When your treatment schedule has been updated
  • When you receive a new document

Notifications will look something like this:

NB: if you'd prefer more discreet notifications, you can turn those on in your preferences

When you first started using Salve, the app would have asked you if you want to allow notifications. If you're not sure whether or not you allowed them, please follow the steps below to check your device's settings:

Making sure notifications are turned on for iOS

  1. Tap on your device's Settings icon
  2. Tap on Notifications
  3. Scroll down the list of apps until you get to Salve
  4. Make sure the Allow Notifications toggle is switched on

Making sure notifications are turned on for Android

Android devices all look a little bit different, but the steps should be fairly similar:

  1. Tap on your device's Settings icon
  2. Tap on Notifications
  3. You should now see a list of apps. You may need to tap on See all to load the full list
  4. Scroll down the list of apps until you get to Salve
  5. Make sure the toggle next to Salve is switched on

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